Hello! It’s quite strange to write the first post for the English version of this blog. It’s strange because while I feel like a newbie who needs to introduce himself to the readers, at the same time this blog is celebrating the hundredth post in the Italian version, inaugurating this English area and refreshing a bit the graphic design.
So, who am I, and what is this blog about? My name is Filippo Maria Caggiani, I’m a music journalist, and this blog is – quite obviously – a music blog.
Trying to make a super-summary of the previous hundred posts, I could say that this blog was born in 2006, when I wanted to take note of a four months’ period of staying in Portugal. Then, focusing more on the music topic, I started to make exclusive interviews to some artists (available as podcast), analyzing tunes, reporting breaking music news, or simply writing my points of view about music events. Sometimes happened to watch music things from a slightly different perspective, like when I lived in Germany for some months, or like now that I’m living in Poland.
By the way, there are a lot of different ways in which the world of music can be told through music in words.
Just stay tuned!

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